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Ashampoo Burning Studio 19 burns your files, movies and music to any CD, DVD or Blu-ray disc. It's easy, fast and secure! Burn data, create audio CDs, make backups or produce your own movies - the possibilities are endless! Ashampoo Burning Studio 20(阿香婆刻录软件)是由Ashampoo官方最新出品的光盘刻录方案。它是一款快捷、舒适的光盘刻录程序,可将您的数据刻录到 CD、DVD 和蓝光光盘,更可以复制光盘,使用全能的多媒体功能创建幻灯片和带菜单的视频光盘。程序还有全自动翻录音 05/07/2018 1、在本站下载并解压,如图所示,得到ashampoo_burning_studio_19_19.0.2_sm.exe安装程序和crack破解文件夹 2、双击ashampoo_burning_studio_19_19.0.2_sm.exe运行安装软件,如图所示,点击同意 … Ashampoo Burning Studio 19 又称为 阿香婆刻录软件19 ,该软件拥有强大的刻录数据功能和备份还原功能,采用全新的工作界面,为您的光盘刻录带来更多便利,适用于文件、音频、视频、图片等,支持目前多种主流CD/DVD格式,本次带来Ashampoo Burning Studio 19 破解版下载,并附有破解补丁和详细的安装破解教程,可以完美破解软件,长久免费使用,需要的朋友千万不要错过! Ashampoo Burning Studio 12 现在完全支持了 BDXL 光盘(100 和 128 GB)。 需要刻录大量数据?使用新的光盘分卷功能,可以将数据保存到多张光盘上,理论上将上无限的存储容量。 自定义能力更佳 – 释放你的创造力 Ashampoo Burning Studio 将专业光盘创建功能引入了新的境界。
Ashampoo Burning Studio 2020 1.21.5 FREE 2021-02-19 0 . Ashampoo Burning Studio 2020 is the quick and reliable way to burn movies, music and files to any recordable disc. Aside from data backups, this burning program also extracts audio from music CDs and creates stylish covers and inlays. The new Ashampoo Burning Studio 19 is a proven suite of tools for all burning-related tasks. Burn music, movies and data in almost any format and quickly copy or rip audio CDs. A comprehensive multimedia section gives users everything they need to create slideshows, auto-play discs or complex movie projects with custom menus, individually cut opening and end credits. 5/7/2018 · Trusted Windows (PC) download Ashampoo Burning Studio Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get Ashampoo Burning Studio alternative downloads.
阿香婆刻录软件Ashampoo Burning Studio 19 v19.0.0.24 中文破解版 Ashampoo Burning Studio 19 能将你的文件、电影及音乐刻录到
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